Certificate Courses

Basics in German Language



About the Course

The Course is meant to be an introduction to German language that helps the learners to grasp the basic sentence structure and build a foundational vocabulary in German.


Open to all interested students and faculties

Course Objectives

  • Enhancing communication and collaboration in German Language
  • Encourage autonomous language learning
  • To know more about other cultures
  • Foster creativity and imagination

Expected Course Outcome

  • The course will help the learners to acquire day to day interaction skills in German language

Survey Research and Data Analysis


Course Co-ordinator

About the Course

The course is framed to provide an experiential learning. You will learn about survey research by designing and conducting research by using different survey methods. The course is relevant to both quantitative and qualitative researchers who want to understand the nuts and bolts of survey methods. The basic theoretical concepts for conducting survey research, the method of analysis and final report writing are included in the course. This course is offered to UG and PG students of department of economics. The maximum strength is restricted as 50 students as first come first register basis.

Course Objectives

  1. To provide an understanding of fundamentals of social research
  2. To discuss the different forms of research and its applications
  3. To understand various tools, techniques and methods of data collection and to identify their applications in different contexts.
  4. To provide a survey experience through field survey
  5. To make use of Microsoft Excel and SPSS for data analysis

Expected Course Outcome

This course helps to improve both theoretical and practical knowledge in survey research. It provides a real field experience in data collection. It provides the knowledge to apply different statistical tools properly. It provides the knowledge to use the statistical packages for social science research –Moreover it improves the employability of students as a researcher

NCC ‘B’ Certificate



Certificate – B

It can be taken by SD/SW cadets of the NCC, after class year 10 and those studying for a degree. The candidate must have attended a minimum 75% of total training periods laid down in the syllabus for the first and second years of SD/SW NCC (All Wings). The cadet must have attended one Annual Training Camp/NIC. Cadets who possess Certificate - A will be awarded 10 bonus marks. An air wing cadet must do a minimum 10 Glider launches.

NCC ‘C’ Certificate



Certificate – C

Is the highest level certificate for NCC cadets. It can be taken in the 3rd year of training, in the 3rd year of degree course. Those who possess a Certificate - B can take it in the first year after their +2, and in the 1st year of their degree. The cadet must have attended two Annual Training Camps or one Annual Training Camp and on of the following: RD Camp Delhi, Centrally Organised Camp, Para Training Camp, Attachment Training with service units, National Integration Camp, Youth Exchange Programme, or Foreign Cruise (Navy Wing only).

Grading in Certificate

Three certificates are awarded (1) A grade, (2) B grade, (3) C grade.The best certificate is C, which has the highest value. (i) A cadet has to obtain 45% marks in each paper & 50% marks in the aggregate to pass the examination. Grading is based on total marks obtain will be awarded as follows. (aa) Grading 'A' – Cadets obtaining 80% marks and above. (ab) Grading 'B' – Cadets obtaining 65% marks and above but below 80%. (ac) Grading 'C' – Cadets obtaining 50% marks and above but below 65%. (ad) Fail – Cadets obtaining less than 45% in any paper or less than 50% in aggregate.

Parliamentary Proceedings


Course Co-ordinator  


Course Outcome

This course would make the students able to understand and explain the evolution and importance of parliamentary democracy. They would also be made able to understand the parliamentary proceedings with an intention to strengthen the democratic process and good citizenship. Module I Brief Introduction to Democracy- Direct and Indirect Democracies- Evolution of Parliamentary System- Bill of Rights- Glorious revolution (10Hrs) Module II Compositions, Powers and Functions of Indian Parliament- Role of Speaker-President of India - Vice President of India- Presidential Address(10Hrs) Module III Obituary- Question Hour- Zero Hour- Adjournment Motion- Boycott-Calling Attention- Introduction of new Minister- Paper/Report laying- Confidence Motion- No Confidence Motion(10Hrs) Module IV Legislation- First Reading- Second Reading — Third Reading- Role of Committees-Role of President- Joint Sitting- (10Hrs)

Entrepreneurship Skill Development



Certificate – B

Course Name

Certicate in Entrepreneurship Development

Admission procedure

Admission to the course shall be made on merit basis and as per Rules and Regulations of EMEA College, Kondotti.


All Third Year Degree students of EMEA College

The Duration of Study

The curriculum of study for the Certified Course shall be 30 hours, and shall be During the First half of the Academic Year.


  1. Four Module
  2. Theoretical and Practical
  3. 60% Attendance is Compulsory for Attending Examination.
  4. Lecturing Time 3.30 to 4.30
  5. The medium of instruction and examination shall be English
  6. Examination Conducted After the Completion of 30 Hours Lecturing
  7. Examination out of 50 marks it includes 40 from External and 10 from Internal after the End of the course. The evaluation scheme for each course shall contain two parts:
    1. Internal assessment
    2. External examination
  8. External viva-voce shall be conducted along with the examination.
  9. Mode of examination is MCQ(Multiple Choice Mode)


  • To enable the students to acquire knowledge about the Classification of Enterprises
  • To equip the students with the skills of Organize An Enterprise


Exam marks



Exam marks

89 % to 80%


Exam marks

79 % to 70%


Exam marks

69% to 60%


Exam marks

59% to 50%


Exam marks

49% to 40%


Below 40%


Political Crisis In West Asia Case Of Arab Israeli Conflict


Course Coordinator
Course Code: PCWA Course Mode: Online Course Category Certificate Course No. of Contact Hours 2 Hours per week 23/08/2021 to 07/01/2022 Course Coordinator: Dr.Nisar U Content Reviewer: Ms. Saleena (Head, P.G. Department of History ,PSMO. College )

Course Objectives

This new course balances a strong grounding in the two component subjects with the chance to explore the ways in which historical and political understanding together illuminate the modern world. This course provides the opportunity to undertake intensive study in political science and the history of political thought. International Conflict, Order and Justice will delve into politics beyond the state. We seek to understand contemporary global politics as the product of intersecting forms of power, each with a distinct history and, perhaps, requiring a distinct analytical approach. The dominant traditions in the study of international relations have emphasized relations among states; however, as new global political realities have emerged, so have new theoretical approaches entered the debate to understand these new realities and to re-interpret dominant histories of international order. Some new approaches focus on actors beyond the state – international organizations, social movements, and multinational corporations. Thus, a global international relations requires attention to other forms and histories of international order, as well as a robust history of the state and how we understand it. This paper explores international politics while leaving open the questions of what issues matter, whoseexperiences should be the basis for theory, and what methodological tools we can use in this pursuit.

Research Writing


Course Co-ordinator 
Course Co-ordinator
PG Department of English EMEA College of Arts and Science, Kondotti Certificate Course in Research Writing Academic Year 2021 -22 Course Code: ENCC01 RW Duration of the Course: 45 Hours


  • To introduce students to the basics of academic research
  • To introduce students to the methods in research writing
  • To familiarize students with various stages of writing research paper
  • To train students in using appropriate language in writing research projects


  • The students are familiarized with the methods in research writing
  • The students are familiarized with various stages of writing research paper
  • The students are trained in using appropriate language in writing research projects
  • Students will be well equipped to come out with quality final year projects
  • Students will be given an opportunity to publish a research article on the successful completion of the course

Module I: Beginning Research

  • Definition
  • Characteristics
  • Objectives
  • Subjective/Objective Research

Module II: Research Methodology

  • The students are familiarized with the methods in research writing
  • The students are familiarized with various stages of writing research paper
  • The students are trained in using appropriate language in writing research projects
  • Students will be well equipped to come out with quality final year projects
  • Students will be given an opportunity to publish a research article on the successful completion of the course

Module III: Conceptual Background

  • The students are familiarized with the methods in research writing
  • The students are familiarized with various stages of writing research paper
  • The students are trained in using appropriate language in writing research projects
  • Students will be well equipped to come out with quality final year projects
  • Students will be given an opportunity to publish a research article on the successful completion of the course

Module IV: Writing Research Papers

  • The students are familiarized with the methods in research writing
  • The students are familiarized with various stages of writing research paper
  • The students are trained in using appropriate language in writing research projects
  • Students will be well equipped to come out with quality final year projects
  • Students will be given an opportunity to publish a research article on the successful completion of the course

Module V:Style Guides

  • The students are familiarized with the methods in research writing
  • The students are familiarized with various stages of writing research paper
  • The students are trained in using appropriate language in writing research projects
  • Students will be well equipped to come out with quality final year projects
  • Students will be given an opportunity to publish a research article on the successful completion of the course

Evaluation Pattern: Assessment (50 Marks)



Written Assignment on a given topic (2)

10 X 2 = 20 Marks


10 Marks

Final Project: Research Article Writing

20 Marks


50 Marks

Familiarization of Basic Tools


The Lack of awareness about testing

Tools and its Operation results in wastage of Time and money. This Section Gives sound knowledge about basics of Instrumentation, Testing and Measuring Technics, Operation Procedures of different Type of Tools with Safety Precautions. The Knowledge about these basics results to develop fast trouble shooting skills. This section covers basic tools like Digital Multimeter, Tester, CRO, Power supplies, Function Generator, Clamp Meter, Earth Tester and other Testing Tools.


Voltage measurement basics, Current Measurement basics, Resistance measurement Basics, Diode and Continuity Test , True RMS Measurements, Procedures to reduce Errors, Precautions to be taken while measurements of High Voltage, High Current , Basics Repairing and Standard Operating Procedure of Digital Multimeter etc.


  • DC Voltage Measurement
  • AC Voltage measurement
  • DC Current Measurement
  • AC Current Measurement
  • Diode & Continuity Test
  • Transistor Testing
  • Resistance Measurement
  • hFE Testing of Transistor
  • Effect of Impedance etc.


This section covers the basics of Oscilloscope, Voltage Measurement , Frequency Measurement, Calibration Testing, Standard Operating Procedure, Basics of Impedance and its effect in Measurement, Different Type of CRO Test Probes etc.


  • DC Voltage measurement (DC Coupling)
  • AC Voltage Measurement (AC Coupling)
  • Frequency Measurement
  • Understanding the Bandwith
  • Effect of Impedance !!


This section covers the basics of Voltage source, Current Source, Constant Current Source, Constant Voltage Source, Current Limit Setting, Importance of Output Impedance of Power supply, Maximum Current and Voltage rating of Power supply , Precautions to be taken while handling , Standard Operation Procedure etc.


  • Preparation of Basic Power supply
  • Preparing regulated Power supply using regulator IC
  • Line Regulation, load Regulation
  • DC Voltage Setting
  • Limiting the Current
  • Voltage and Current Capacity.


This Section explains the application of Function Generator, Operation, Standard Operating Procedure , Things to be taken care while handling the Instruments etc.


  • Adjusting the Voltage, Frequency, Duty cycle, DC Offset and Measuring the Parameters

Software Development


Course Coordinator 


Concepts of Hardware and Software, Computer Languages, Language Translators, Fundamentals of Problem Solving, Steps for Problem Solving, Algorithm – Characteristics of a good algorithm, Sample Algorithms, Flowchart - Advantages of Using Flowcharts, Flowchart Symbols, Pseudocode, Program Design - Activities involved in Program Design.
Software and Software Engineering: Overview of Software Engineering, Software Process, SDLC, Process Models, Requirements Engineering Techniques, Software Requirement Specification, Software Design, Coding and Testing.
Web Application infrastructure, Client side technologies, Client/server communication techniques using GET/POST, session variables, cookies and server behavior, Server side scripting and needs for database connectivity, Develop a functional web application with PHP and PostgreSQL.
Mobile Application Development: Introduction to Mobile Computing, Android Development Environment, Characteristics of Mobile Applications Design, Successful Mobile App Development, Android Storing and Retrieving Data, Working with a Content Provider, Mobile App Development Hurdles.

Return Filing - Income Tax & GST


Course Coordinator  
P.G. Department of Commerce, Emea college of arts and science. Kondotty offers 30 hours Certificate Course on Return Filing (Income Tax & GST).


The main objectives of the course are:
  • To Equip Students with the specialized knowledge in the field of Taxation System.
  • It provides opportunity to learn Indian Taxation System and enhance their skills in the field of Taxation.
  • Equipping the students for career in various vocations.
  • Equipping the students for Self-Employment and application oriented jobs in Government, PSU’s, Private Organizations
Course Code:COMCC-001
ELIGIBILITY: All B.COM. & M.COM Final year students are eligible.


Assessment of candidates will be done through theoretical assignments, projects & practical examinations after completion of each module. All successful candidates will be awarded with certificates.


Module 1 (7 hours)

Introduction of Tax (Direct and Indirect) .Tax Resident (Resident and Non Resident) Sources of Income, Deductions and Gross Total Income, Tax Filing (Introduction)

Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this module candidate will be able to understand the basic structure of Direct Tax.

Module 2 (7 hours)

E-Filing, Filing up income tax returns by various types of assesses and documentation.Tax Planning, Avoidance and Evasion. Double Taxation Avoidance Penalties and Prosecution
Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this module candidate will be able to understand the basic structure of Direct Tax.

Module 3 (8 hours)

GST (Introduction), Filing of GST return i.e. GSTR-1,2,3,4 etc. GST Payments Invoice under GST
Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this module candidate will be able to differentiate between Direct and Indirect Tax. This module also helps to figure out the basic structure of GST.

Module 4 ( 8 hours)

How to compliance with GST portal? How to get a firm registered under GST Act, 2017? How to file Various GST returns? How to file revised returns? How to file rectified return? How to work with electronic ledgers?
Learning outcomes:- After successful completion of this module candidate will be able to process their GST through E-Resources.


The student shall be required to write a Project Report based on the case study of any aspect of either of Income Tax or GST. He/She shall focus on a particular problem area and prepare a report based on the study of the course by taking one particular problem faced by the different assesses.

Salient features of certificate course

  • Theory and Practical session as per curriculum
  • Lectures include entire process of Filing of Return and Evaluation Process.
  • At the end of course candidate will be able to file the Income Tax return of Direct Tax & Indirect Tax.
  • A certificate will be issued to the successful candidates

Solid Waste Management


Course Coordinator



Module I - Introduction to solid wastes 12-hour Types and sources of solid wastes- Domestic /Residential waste, Municipal waste, Commercial waste, Industrial waste, Biomedical waste, Hazardous waste, e-waste etc. Characteristics and composition of solid wastes.
Module II – Waste collection and transport 6-hour Methods of collection of solid wastes. Transportation of wastes and optimization of transport routes.
Module III – Treatment/Disposal technologies 8-hour Dumping, Sanitary landfills, Mechanical& biological treatment –Incineration, Anaerobic digestion, Composting, Biogas, Biopedestrial etc. Recycling of plastics, batteries, e-waste.
Module IV – Legal aspects of waste management 4-hour Public health issues, policy and legislation.

Learning Objectives:

  • An overview of the steps of waste management to final use or disposal.
  • Selection of most suitable SWM options in a specific local context.
  • Conceptual designing of waste conversion/ treatment processes.
  • Development of innovative solutions of SWM in urban areas
  • Legal Aspects of Solid Waste Management.


  • Aja S. Kalamdhad, Jiwan Sing, Kondusamy Dhamodharan- Advances in Waste Management, Springer Nature Pvt Ltd. 2019
  • Paul H. Brunner, Helmut Rechberger- Handbook of Material flow analysis for environmental, resources and waste engineers-CRC press, Taylor&Francis group. 2017
  • Karin M. Ekstrom – Waste Management and sustainable consumption, Taylor & Francis group, London and Newyork. 2015
  • Stephen Burnley- Solid Waste management, John wiley &Sons Ltd, 2014
  • Ramesha Chandrappa, Diganta Bhusan Das- Solid Waste Management Principles and Practice, Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

Basic Android Applications



Certificate – B

Android is an open source and Linux-based Operating System for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Android was developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies. Android offers a unified approach to application development for mobile devices which means developers need only develop for Android, and their applications should be able to run on different devices powered by Android. The extendable application environment of Android is specifically designed to suit industry requirements to tap the mobile CONSUMER MARKET and offers immense scope for Android application developers.Greater part of Android application development is carried out in Java and this Android Course focuses on Java based application development.Build you to quickly get up to speed with writing apps for Android devices. The student will learn the Android platform and get to understand the application lifecycle.
Course Name : Android Applications
Code : R28
Duration : 1 Month (60 Hrs)

Word Processing and Data Entry


Skill Development Trainer  
  • Course Name: Word Processing & Data Entry
  • Course Code: C95
  • Duration: 120 Hrs.(3 Months)


Computer Fundamentals

  • Introduction, Generation of computers, classification of computers
  • Application of computers
  • Types of software

Operating System Basics – Linux and Windows

  • Operating System Basics: Review of MS DOS - Internal/External commands
  • Windows - User interfaces like Desktop/ Taskbar/Start Menu/Find
  • Windows Accessories – Calculator/Paint/Notepad/WordPad
  • My Computer/Explorer/Folder/Shortcuts
  • Linux – Introduction, Concept of Home directory, Login and logout procedure.
  • X Window Applications

Data Entry Practice – English & Malayalam

  • Database Data Entry
  • Typing Tutor – Keyboard familiarity exercises in English & Malayalam

Word Processing Package – Microsoft Word and Open office Writer

  • Word processing features, Opening/Saving documents
  • Manipulating windows/Document enhancements
  • Proofing document/Printing document
  • Tables

Word Processing Package – Microsoft Word and Open office Writer

  • Worksheet basics
  • Formatting worksheet
  • Simple Formulae
  • Graphs and Charts
  • Data sort
  • Printing worksheets and charts

Introduction to Desk Top Publishing (DTP) & Presentation Package

  • Page Maker
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Microsoft Power Point and Open office Impress

Database Concepts – Using Access

  • Definition – database/Relational database
  • Creating a database/creating a table
  • Add/edit/view records
  • Sort/search/filter/print records
  • Modify database structure

Internet E-mail & PC Management

  • Introduction to Internet
  • E-mail Web Mail/ Outlook
  • Basic PC components
  • Disk Management Basics
  • Introduction to Memory Backup and Backup Devices
  • Handling Printer
  • Review on Windows & Linux Desktop Features
  • General Troubleshooting

Basics in Spanish Language



About the Course:

  • The Course is meant to be an introduction to Spanish language that helps the learners to grasp the basic sentence structure and build a foundational vocabulary in Spanish.
Eligibility : Open to all interested students and faculties

Course Objectives:

  • Enhancing communication and collaboration in Spanish Languag
  • Encourage autonomous language learning
  • To know more about other cultures
  • Foster creativity and imagination

Expected Course Outcome:

  • The course will help the learners to acquire day to day interaction skills in Spanish language

Basics of Logistics Management




It can be The department of Business Administration conducts value add certification programme for its students. These programme are offered with an objective of professional logistics skill and attributes that enhance the overall development of students. These programmes are delivered by highly accomplished faculty. These programme offered to students as value addition beyond the curriculum. This programme is focusing on developing basic logistics skill among students.
Elegibility : fourth sem UG Exam attended.

Course objectives

The objectives of the course are to provide understanding of the basic logistics, to create awareness about supply chain, and to acquaint the student’s basic concepts of logistics.

Course outcome

On completion of the course, the participants shall get
  • To enable the students to understand the meaning, types and importance of logistics.
  • To make them understanding the meaning and importance of supply chain.
  • To make the students able to understand the idea and importance of goal setting.

Course structure

This course structure contains total four modules. After completing the first three modules, students get logistics process

An Introduction to English Literature



About the Course:

This course intends to introduce a chronological survey of the English literary tradition. The course will showcase major literary moments, movements and events in the context of the social, political, religious end economic changes that shaped England since fifteenth century.
Eligibility : Final Year BA English students of the college
Course Objectives:
  • Introduce the canon of English Literature.
  • Analyse different periods of English Literature
  • Enable the learner to critically appreciate the major writers and literary works of English literature
  • Understand the social, political and historical condition of Britain since 1400

Expected Course Outcome :

The course enables the learner to acquire a critical understanding of the intellectual history of England and equip them for different competitive examinations related to English literature.
Course Layout :
  • Module 1- Early Period
The Age of Chaucer- Scottish Chaucerians- Middle Period- Renaissance
  • Module 2- Elizabethan and Jacobean Age
Philip Sydney- Edmund Spenser- University Wits- Shakespeare-Ben Jonson-John Milton- Caroline Poets-Metaphysical Poets
  • Module 3 – Neoclassical Age
Dryden- Restoration Comedy- Alexander Pope- Jonathan Swift- Daniel Defoe- Joseph Addison- Samuel Richardson-Samuel Johnson- Pre Romantic Poets
  • Module 4- Romantic Age
Lyrical Ballads- William Wordsworth- S T Coleridge- John Keats- Percy Shelley-Lord Byron- Walter Scott- Jane Austen
  • Module 5- Victorian Age
Alfred Tennyson- Mathew Arnold- Robert Browning-Dante Gabriel Rossetti- Charles Dickens- Bronte Sisters- George Eliot-
  • Module 6- Modern Period
T S Eliot- Thomas Hardy- War Poets- Stream of Consciousness- Women Novelists-
  • Module 7- Contemporary Period
Diaspora- Contemporary Writers- Booker Prize Winners- Nobel Prize Winners


History of English Literature- Edward Albert
An Outline History of English Literature- William Henry Hudson
English Literature-William J Long

Assessment Methods

  • Seminar : 10 Marks
  • Assignment : 10 Marks
  • Exam : 80 Marks

Project Identification and Business Idea presentation


Course Coordinator  
Certificate Course in Project Identification Project Management is a 3-months program offered by Post Graduate Department of Commerce, EMEA College of Arts & Science, Kondotty. The main objective of this course is to allow students to identify investment opportunities and encourage them to undertake entrepreneurial activities. This course helps to learn about existing business opportunities, screening business ideas by using appropriate identification techniques and presenting one’s own dream business idea.
Course Code:COMCC-002
Duration :3months

Module 1( 5 Hrs)

  • Project-Meaning and definition-Features-Importance-Stages in project management-Types of projects- Risks involved with projects-Limitations of project

Module 2(10 Hrs)

  • Project Identification-Meaning and features-Identification steps- Idea generation techniques-SWOT Analysis- Brain storming- Other constrains-Short listing ideas-Screening and evaluation of ideas-Techniques of project identification

Module 3(10 Hrs)

  • Investment opportunities in Kerala- Techno Economic survey of DIC, Malappuram –Motivation to Entrepreneurs-Business incubation centres- Start up businesses-Kudumbashree as a successful micro enterprise project in Kerala.

Module 4(10 Hrs)

  • Identifying the dream projects and business idea presentation before expert committee.


  • 1. Entrepreneurship Development, Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publishing House
  • 2. Vasanth Desai, Small Business Entrepreneurship, Himalaya Publications.
  • 3. MSME Act2006.
  • 4. District Industrial Potentiality Survey Report-MSME Development Institute, Thrissur
  • 5.Arise,Awake-Rashmi Bansal
  • 6. www.kudumbashree.org

Basics in Project Preparation and Research Writing



Asst. Professor of Commerce 

Microbiological Analysis of Packaged Drinking Water


Course coordinator  
Course code: CCMPDW21
Year of establishment : 2021
Entry requirement: interested final year MSc Microbiology/BSc microbiology/biotechnology/ biochemistry student
Seat availability : 50
Course Description
Continuous increase in the sale and indiscriminate consumption of packaged drinking water is of public health significance. Demand for bottled water has resulted in springing up of several small-scale entrepreneurs involved in its production and distribution. However, with increasing demand, serious concerns about its quality and safety have arisen subsequently. The chemical and microbiological qualities of packaged water should be analysed before marketing to comply with national quality standards. In order to safeguard public health it is essential that the available packaged water is of the highest quality. This course on microbiological quality assessment of packaged water is an attempt to equip students with theoretical background and practical skills to participate in microbial quality ensuring practices of packaged drinking water.
The course intends to prepare a student in acquiring skills on the art of packaged water monitoring and quantitative and qualitative analysis of critical water microbiological quality parameters. It also brings in those aspects of microbiology which are important for water microbial quality management.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course the student will be able to:
  • Explain the general methods for detection of microorganisms in packaged drinking water
  • Develop awareness about microbiological water quality criteria and standards, and their relation to public health
  • Understand important packaged water contaminating microorganisms and the diseases they cause.
  • Learn how to run accurate water microbiological quality tests and how to plan remedial measures to ensure total absence of microorganisms in packaged drinking water

Startup Management

B.Voc Professional Accounting and Taxation

Certificate Course: Startup Management

Lecture hours per week: 4

Credits: 4

External: 80, Examination 2.5 Hours

Total Hours : 50

Course Objectives :

Module1: Startup opportunities- Generate ideas with brainstorming- Business start up- Venture choices- Sole Tradership- Partnership- Cooperative society-Company- Trust- Features- Requirements- The startup equation- Entrepreneurial eco system- Entrepreneurship in India- Government initiatives 10 Hours
Module 2: Legal and other requirements for new ventures- Registration-Founders agreement- Taxation and accounting laws- Labour laws- Protection of intellectual property- Contract management 10 Hours
Module 3: Financial issues of startups- Basic idea of financial statements- Feasibility analysis-The cost and process of raising capital- Funding with Equity, debt- Funding startups with bootstrapping- Crowd funding 10 Hours
Module 4: Survival and Growth of Startups- Stages of growth in a new venture- Growing with the market- Growing within the industry- Venture life patterns- Reasons for new venture failures- Scaling ventures 10 Hours
Module 5: Exit Strategies- Different ways for exit strategies- Start up acquisitions- Mergers- Sell to a friendly individual 10 Hours
Industrial Visit: One day industrial visit to a firm


  • 1.Donald F. Kuratko, Jeffrey S. Hornsby. New Venture Management: The Entrepreneurs Roadmap, 2e, Routledge, 2017.
  • 2.Anjan Raichaudhuri. Managing New Ventures Concepts and Cases. Prentice Hall International, 2010.
  • 3.Vijay Sathe. Corporate Entrepreneurship.1e, Cambride.2009

Toxicology of Food Additives


Course Coordinator

Teaching hours – 40 hrs

Course Description:

Basic principles of food and nutritional toxicology with primary emphasis on food components and food toxins. The course will cover an overview of absorption, metabolism and excretion of xenobiotics, allergenic and toxic constituents in plant, animal, marine and fungal origin and synthetic chemicals. The course also includes environmental contaminants, pesticides, antibiotic residues and dietary supplements.


Students will learn:

  • To understand basic principles of food and nutritional toxicology related to oral exposure routes.
  • To provide an overview of potentially toxic constituents present in the food supply intentionally or naturally-occurring.
  • To understand absorption, metabolism and excretion of xenobiotic compounds.
  • To provide factual information on the topic of food safety involving specific chemical toxicants, food additives, residues, etc. such that they can assimilate and utilize this knowledge as professionals in their field.

Assessment: All students need to

  • a)submit one assignment,
  • b)attend two internal examination
  • c)viva
Unit I 10 Hrs
Introduction to food toxicology: classification, dose, determinants of toxins in foods; naturally occurring toxins from animals, bacterial and fungal and sea food sources. Risk assessment in food toxicology; laws and regulation of safety assessment of foods including food additives, environmental contaminants, pesticides and antibiotic residues.
Unit II 6 Hrs
Allergens, toxic constituents and anti nutritional factors of plant foods (enzyme inhibitors, trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitor, amylase inhibitor, flatulence causing sugars, phytolectins).
Unit III 10 Hrs
Agricultural and industrial contaminants in foods: pesticides residues in fruits and vegetables, metal contaminants in foods and their toxicity in human body; animal drug residues in food and water, dioxins and related compounds in food; metals such as lead, arsenic and mercury.
Unit IV 14 Hrs
Food additives as toxicants: artificial colors, preservatives, sweeteners; toxicants formed during food processing such as nitrosamines, maillard reaction products acrylamide, benzene, heterocyclic amines and aromatic hydrocarbons and irradiation; risk of genetically modified food, food supplements, persistent organic pollutants, toxicity implications of nanotechnology in food
Recommended Books
  • Shibamato T. and Bjeldanes L., Introduction to Food Toxicology, Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, CA. ISBN 0-12640025-3 2. Deshpande, S.S. (2002).
  • Handbook of Food Toxicology, Marcel Dekker Inc. NY ISBN 0- 8247-0760-5
  • William H. W., Essentials of Environmental

Computerized Financial Accounting


Skill Development Trainer  
Course Name: Computerised Financial Accounting (Tally & MS Office)
Course Code: C49
Eligibility: SSLC/ ABOVE
Duration: 120Hrs.( 3 Months)
  • Introduction to Accounting ;- Definition, Basic terms, Objectives, Advantages, Limitations, Methods, Types of accounting, Accounting concepts & conventions and Rules of accounting
  • Posting and journalizing
  • Ledger preparation, Trial balance
  • Financial Statements;- preperation of Trading and Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet
  • Introduction to Tally_ ERP_9 - Startup, Screen components, Mouse/ Keyboard coventions, Quiting.
  • Company creation, Alteration, Deletion, Shut(close) company and company creation
  • Set-Up of Accounts- Group creation, Alteration, Deletion
  • Ledger Accounts Set- Up - Single Ledger Creation, Alteration, Deletion, Multi Ledger Creation, Alteration, Deletion
  • Accounting Vouchers
  • Inventory/ items & goods/ Stock;-Single& Multiple Stock Group Creation, Single& Multiple Stock Item Creation
  • Featurs of Tally_ERP_9:- Accounting Features, Inventory Features, Statutory & Taxation Features
  • VAT
  • Adv. Inventory Featurs;- order processing, receiving, rejuctions, stock journal
  • Manufacturing Journal, Bill of Material, Point of Sale, Cost Centre, and Cost category
  • Bank Reconcilation Statement
  • Payroll
  • Fundamentals
  • Introduction to Word Processing, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint

Professional English-Arabic Translation


ARBTR001: Professional English-Arabic Translation
Total Hours 40
Commencement: 10 December 2022
Mr. Sibi Nijas & Ummer
(Asst. Professors of Arabic)
Contact: 9747225325

Nutritional Toxicology



Kerala Tourism and Heritage Studies



ISI Guidelines of Water Quality Analysis



Film Appreciation

