Former Principals

Prof. T.P. Mohammed Kunhi M.A.(Late)
Principal from 1-11-1982 to 31-10-1985

Mr. K.Mohammed Musthafa. M.A.
Lecturer in Charge from 1-11-1985 to 7-1-1986 &
19-11-1998 to 28-2-1999

Prof. P.A.Ali Kunju. M.A.
Principal from 8-1-1986 to 7-1-1991

Dr. Abdul Latheef. M.Sc.,M.PEd.,Ph.D.
Principal from 08-01-1991 to 18-11-1998

Dr. T.P.Ahammed M.A.,B.Ed.,M.Phil., Ph.D.
Principal from 1-3-1999 to 31-5-2006

Mrs. N.V.Suhadu M.A. M.Phil.
Principal from 1-6-2006 to 31-3-2007

Mr. K.Kunhi Mohammed M.A.
Lecturer in Charge from 1-04-2007 to 31-08-2007
Principal from 01-05-2012 to 30-06-2013

Dr. Abdul Hameed K. MA, MPhil, PhD
Principal from 01-09-2007 to 30-04-2012

Mr. Mohamed Ashref. M
Professor- in-Charge from 01-07-2013 to 31-10-2013

Dr. Mohammed Rafeequ A.P.M
Principal from 01-11-2013 to 27-07-2015

Dr. Mohammed Palengara M.Sc
Principal from 28-07-2015 to 31-05-2016

Dr. Abdulla M.P M.A,B.Ed,M.Phil,Ph.D.
Principal from 01-06-2016 to 31-05-2018

Dr. C.P. Ayoob Keyi
Principal from 01-06-2018 to 30-04-2021

Dr. Ibrahim Cholakkal MA, BEd, MPhil, PhD
Principal In-Charge from 01.05.2021 to 30.10.2021

Mr. Capt. Abdul Rasheed P
Principal In-Charge from 01.11.2021 to 01.07.2023

Prof. (Dr.) Abdul Muneer.V
Principal In-Charge from 03-07-2023 to 02-04-2024